Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Name Game....

There have been a few things about this pregnancy that have caught me off guard! The one that has probably been the most surprising is how hard it was to pick out a name! I assumed that I would choose two or three names I liked, run them by Heath, and then he would choose one and then we would be done.

Uhhhh....NO! That's not quite how it all worked out. Believe it or not, he actually had an opinion about this one. We, in fact, had a difficult time choosing names. Neither of us agreed on anything. We shot down pretty much anything the other one came up with. We finally got to the point where we quit talking about it. I was certain, this baby would come home with a birth certificate that said "Baby Boy/Girl Fordham"

Many of you sent suggestion...including Ashlyn and Alyssa. Which, by the way, Ashlyn still reminds me when I see her that Leslie is a good name for a girl. Heath's suggestions, well, let's just say they left something to be desired. I was dead set against an "A" name, mostly because I have 5 beautiful nieces all with "A" names, which is great, I love all their names. I just didn't want to add another one into the mix. We also both really wanted to include a family name in each...the problem was there were not many family names we liked.

So finally, one night I told Heath, we have to decide on names. After a much more serious conversation, we agreed on two names we both like! So, here they are....

Our boy's name is....

Landon Dean

Landon is the one name we both agreed on from the beginning. Dean is from Heath's late uncle, John Dean. As soon as Heath suggested it, I said yes and we were set.

and for a girl...

Lily Austyn

I am afraid to type that one, as it was the hardest to decide on and I don't want to jinx it. I have always known I wanted to name a girl Lily, after Nana. However, when the time came, for reasons unknown, I waivered and Heath wasn't totally in love with it. We played around with several ideas. Kristi suggested the name Austyn, which Heath and I both loved (but you know I have that "A" issue). My favorite part is that it is a little ode to Texas!!! Heath said he liked Lily Austyn or Austyn Lily. So, we finally agreed on one and took it. Unless, I find another girl's name that knocks my socks off, we have our girls name.

It was much harder than I ever thought it would be. And making a decision and sticking with it was difficult too! Why is it so hard to commit? I have always heard pregnant women can't make decisions....I guess they were right!

Friday, October 22, 2010

A little Christmas in October....

So, I found this....
and I want it....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Houston, we have movement!

So I got an interesting little surprise the other day... a tiny thump coming from inside my tummy, followed about 10 minutes later by two "muscle twitches" in the same spot. After it surprised me it took me a minute to realize it was the baby moving. I didn't feel anything else for a few days. Then, the last two nights while I was laying there, I felt it again. The first night it felt like I had a tiny butterfly in my stomach. Then last night, I had a feeling of tiny little pops, like popcorn (as described by Ashlie) and then a slow dragging feeling across the front of my tummy.

I was starting to think maybe I was imagining it because it is still early, I am a little over 16 weeks but, when I asked the doctor about it today. He told me when you are thin you can feel the baby sooner. It was so exciting! I can't wait until Heath can feel it on the outside!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weiner Dog Races 2010

This morning we headed out, before the sun was up, to make our way to Savannah for the annual Weiner Dog Races. Linda, Alyssa and Ashlyn joined us this year. They enjoyed watching all the dogs race and checking out Savannah. The day turned out to be beautiful!

This was Jackson's third year to race. There were 150 dogs racing this year and as always they are grouped up by age and weight. When it was our turn to race, Jackson got a purple bandanna, which is proving to be our lucky color! He knew exactly what to do and came in first yet again! We were super excited and the girls had so much fun cheering for him.

This year his time put him in the top 10 dogs and he got to race in the finals. When it was time for the big race he got right into his chute and was ready to go. Unfortunately, there were a few dogs faster than him and he came in 4th. Only the top three dogs win prizes. We were super happy though, 4th out of 150 dogs is not to shabby! Next year...we win!!!!

After the race a news reporter came up to me and asked if she could interview us. After she did a quick little interview, she told us we would be on the 6 O'clock news. You can go to the link below to see us in the segment. We are near the front end of the video...and yes, I am aware that we look like dorks!

27th Annual Savannah Oktoberfest WSAV TV

After the races, we hit the usual Vinnie Van GoGo's for the best pizza in Savannah and then did a little walking around at the German Festival. I couldn't walk for long though I am slower right now than normal! Here are a few pictures from our day.