Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Graduate

This past Friday, Heath and I and my mother, mother-in-law and brother-in-law took the 5 1/2 hour trip to Tennessee to see Emily graduate from high school. The weather was beautiful, perfect for an outdoor graduation. Even though the drive was long and hard (we drove up and half way back in the same day) it was totally worth it. We had a good time and made a few stops just for the fun of it.

I cannot believe she is actually old enough to graduate. When I met her for the first time 8 years ago she was a tiny, shy little 10 year old who captured my heart. Today she is a beautiful young woman. It always amazes me how much like Heath she is. They were cut from the same mold. Not only do the look alike, they also have the same mannerisms, competitiveness, and habits. It is mind boggling. I love Heath so much, to see a piece of him in someone else is amazing. I am so grateful to have both of them in my life. I always enjoy the time the three of us spend together.

To you Emily -

As you move into this next chapter of your life go for your dreams. No dream is ever to big, you have the world at your fingertips. Be strong and confident and remember that we are here to catch you if you fall. My hope for you is that all of your wishes and dreams come true. I promise to help you in any way I can to achieve those things. May your life be better than you ever imagined. The second greatest thing to being a mother is being a step-mother. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life and thank you for all the joy you have brought to mine. I love you bunches!


Here are a few more pictures from the day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Anniversary to ME!!!

Many of you have asked for pics so I just decided to post about about them. Both were a gift for my husband for our 7th anniversary. Which technically isn't until May 25th but, I had been a little sad earlier last week so he decided to give them to me early to cheer me up. IT WORKED!

Saturday when I came home from being out with Melissa I came in and laid down on the couch. Heath came in and asked me if I was ok. He left and came back a few minutes later and sat down. *side note: I don't know if you remember a few weeks ago Jackson chewed up several pairs of my shoes. Including a pair of Gianni Bini red peep toe pump, my favorite. I cried when he chewed them and said those were the nicest shoes I had ever owned. This was an indirect result of him bringing home Odie, who you can read about a few posts back* Back to the story...He said I know these might not make up for the ones Jackson chewed, but they were the nicest I could find. I opened the box and there on that purple bag, the most amazing words I have ever seen...Jimmy Choo! I think I actually squealed. I felt like he had given me my engagement ring all over again. While they are not red peep toes, they are a great replacement. He said he tried to get something I could get alot of wear out of. So he actually put thought into into it. When I put them on it was like Cinderella putting on her glass slipper. I actually had to smell them...nothing smells better than Italian leather!!! I was super excited to say the least. So they are!

So I know what you are saying....what about the bag. Well, I am getting to it.

Sunday afternoon we were at home after lunch with Heath's family. I was in the kitchen cleaning up. Heath was asking me if I liked my shoes and I told him I LOVED THEM! He went into the bedroom and came back out with a package wrapped in white tissue and said well that's not all. Over course, right away I could tell it was Coach tissue paper. I opened it up, I was in shock. I just kept saying "Are you kidding me, you already got me a gift." He laughed and told me he loved to see me excited and happy. Oh, and that he couldn't believe bags and shoes could make me that happy. So all in all it has been a very good pre-anniversary. He is an amazing husband, even before the bag and the shoes...

Oh almost is the bag.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

One of My Favorites

This is one of my favorite quotes and I thought I would share it with you!

Butterfly World.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos
Just when the Caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. - anonymous

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Three's a Crowd?!?

I have waited awhile for this post because I wasn't sure if I wanted to write about it or not.

Back in early April, Heath called me on a very busy day at work, to tell me he was going to adopt a dog he had seen online. Since I was super busy at work I didn't have time to discuss it with him but, I told him to wait until we could talk about it. My husband being the man, and when he decides something he is going to do it, he went and got him anyways. Let it be known that I was NOT HAPPY about this. The last thing I needed was something else to take care of. Heath told me to give him 48 hours and if I didn't like him, he would take him back.

The next 48 hours were OK but not great. The second night he was there he and Jackson got into a fight over a bone. Needless to say I had had it, I said he had to go. So the next day Heath put him in the car to take him back. He cried the whole way. When they got there the shelter was closed for the day! So Heath brought him back, he didn't make one noise on the way home. After some thinking I decided that I couldn't make that decision for Heath, that he needed to decide what was right.

*side note: When I got Harley my ex-husband told me I couldn't keep him and to take him back. I cried hysterically because I REALLY wanted him. Just before I took him he told me he could stay. I didn't want to be this person to Heath *

The last few weeks have been a wild ride. This dog puts Marley to shame. He was wild, crazy, jumps, chewed the wall, baskets, clothes. You name it, he did it. I cried many times at Heath asking him why he did this to our family. With that said when you look into his eyes you can see he just wants someone to love him. He adores attention and is eager to please. He is actually very smart(when he is not acting crazy) we had him neutered and his calmed down a bit. It appears he will be staying...

So without further delay. I present our newest family member


Odie is now 6 months old and is an American Bulldog/Hound mix. Despite all his bad qualites he is actually kind of funny. He is long and lanky and very clumsy and I suppose he is here to stay, I cannot believe I just said that!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Operation Save My Sanity

I needed a little recharge to the brain so, Heath and I decided to take a little 36 hour vaca to the nearest beach. We left last Tuesday morning and headed for Savannah which is just a short two hours from our home. About 20 minutes beyond Savannah is Tybee Island, our destination.

Tybee Island is such an amazing little town it is about 3 to 4 miles long. There are three hotels, a grocery store, a handful of restaurants and souvenir shops. It is so low key, I love it. Most people ride bikes around the town and hang out. This was the first Heath and I ever spent time together and it holds a special place in our hearts.

We got to Tybee at about noon and checked in to our hotel. Then we headed for the beach. There is nothing like laying on the beach relaxing. We both got a little to much sun but, it was worth it. Around 4 we headed back to our room and then walked to the ice cream shop and got snow cones.

Later that evening we drove back into Savannah for dinner. There are so many great restaurants to choose from. We just walked around downtown until we found a great Tapas Bar. The weather was perfect so we ate outside. After dinner we walked around till we found a live band on a patio and we got drinks and enjoyed the music. By that time we were exhausted from being in the sun so we went back to our room and passed out.

Wednesday after we slept in we went back to Savannah for lunch and a little shopping. Savannah has some of the greatest little shops. We also got some Savannah made ice cream, coconut flavor, it was soooo good! Once we stopped in the candy store (this is a must for every Savannah visit) we were on our way back home.

We weren't gone long. Just long enough for me to regain my sanity. I think I can make it two more weeks now till graduation.