Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Three's a Crowd?!?

I have waited awhile for this post because I wasn't sure if I wanted to write about it or not.

Back in early April, Heath called me on a very busy day at work, to tell me he was going to adopt a dog he had seen online. Since I was super busy at work I didn't have time to discuss it with him but, I told him to wait until we could talk about it. My husband being the man, and when he decides something he is going to do it, he went and got him anyways. Let it be known that I was NOT HAPPY about this. The last thing I needed was something else to take care of. Heath told me to give him 48 hours and if I didn't like him, he would take him back.

The next 48 hours were OK but not great. The second night he was there he and Jackson got into a fight over a bone. Needless to say I had had it, I said he had to go. So the next day Heath put him in the car to take him back. He cried the whole way. When they got there the shelter was closed for the day! So Heath brought him back, he didn't make one noise on the way home. After some thinking I decided that I couldn't make that decision for Heath, that he needed to decide what was right.

*side note: When I got Harley my ex-husband told me I couldn't keep him and to take him back. I cried hysterically because I REALLY wanted him. Just before I took him he told me he could stay. I didn't want to be this person to Heath *

The last few weeks have been a wild ride. This dog puts Marley to shame. He was wild, crazy, jumps, chewed the wall, baskets, clothes. You name it, he did it. I cried many times at Heath asking him why he did this to our family. With that said when you look into his eyes you can see he just wants someone to love him. He adores attention and is eager to please. He is actually very smart(when he is not acting crazy) we had him neutered and his calmed down a bit. It appears he will be staying...

So without further delay. I present our newest family member


Odie is now 6 months old and is an American Bulldog/Hound mix. Despite all his bad qualites he is actually kind of funny. He is long and lanky and very clumsy and I suppose he is here to stay, I cannot believe I just said that!


Laura said...

ahhh! he's so cute!!!!! make sure you hide those pretty new shoes from him.