Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

So the Journey begins...

Wednesday was our first appointment at the Fertility Specialist and to say that it was overwhelming would be an understatement! I have been on a roller coaster of emotions, everything from being terrified to excited to move forward.

Over the next couple of weeks we will have some additional testing. Our prayer is that I will not need any surgery to correct problems. Provided all of our testing comes back with good reports, they hope to be able to do IUI. Our other prayer is that God will make a way for us to make this option financially possible. It is very expensive. So please continue to keep us in your prayers for these two concerns.

For those of you that are wondering, yes, I did have my baby dust book with me. Also, I haven't forgotten I am just waiting for a few more pages before I post it!