Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 Months Ago

I can't believe it has been two months, two months since Nana was called Home. It seems like a lifetime ago and it seems like yesterday. Some days I can't believe she is gone. We have missed her like crazy, we have been sad and we have also been relieved that she is finally truly happy. I have tried many times over the past two months to write this post only to stop because the words just don't seem to come.

For those of you that don't know, Nana passed away the day after I had my IUI done. I wish she were here to celebrate our wonderful news but, the truth is she already knows. She knew even before we did. I know she gave this sweet baby a kiss as they passed one another. One going in Heaven's Gates, the other going out. God had a perfect and precious plan for us. This sweet baby is due to arrive on April 8th, her birthday. I think to myself, she would be thrilled if she knew that...and then I remember she does know. Maybe it was her request. Ever time I look at this sweet child, I will think of her.

Nana was such an incredible influence on my life. I have so many wonderful memories of time with here. When I still lived in Texas I tried to include her in nearly everything that was important to me. We shopped alot, a couple Saturdays a month Mom would call her and ask her to join us for whatever we might be looking for. We would go pick her up or Grandaddy might drop her off at the mall. Sometimes we would go out to dinner or they might join us at church on Sunday and lunch after. She loved for us to make things for her house or to help her fix it up. Once I moved away I always called to talk to her all though, over the last few years she had gotten to where she wouldn't really talk on the phone. She came out to visit me in Georgia several times. She loved it out here, she loved to walk around outside and to watch the birds. I treasure those visits so much. The last time I saw her was at Easter and even though she said almost nothing I could see in her in her eyes that she was happy I was there.

Nana was such an amazing woman. She helped to make me into the woman that I am today. She taught me how to be strong, how to have fun, how to be silly, how to be a good wife. She was an amazing teacher and friend to those that knew her. Her heart was always so open and ready to give. She will forever live in our hearts. I know when I look into my new baby's eyes for the first time that feisty sparkle that she had in hers will be there. Thank you God for an amazing Grandmother and for a sweet baby too.

LilyMae Noble
April 8, 1928 - July 12, 2010


Ashlie said...

Beautiful...that's all.