Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 11, 2011

5 Months....Finally!

My little man turned 5 months over a week ago, I have just now had time to sit down to blog about it. Here is what has been going on over the past month.

  • He is 14lbs 12oz (17%) 26" (52%) and head is 16.5" (32%)...still long and lean.
  • This little guy can now roll from back to tummy. He rolls all over the house. I call him my roly poly man.
  • Once he rolls to where he wants to be, he rolls on to his back and then proceeds to kick at whatever it might be that he was interested in.
  • He went on his first vacation and he LOVED the pool. Not the ocean...just the pool.
  • We can now add Florida and Alabama to the list of states he has visited.
  • He loves to give kisses.
  • He is not yet sitting up but, it shouldn't be too much longer
  • This man flat out HATES...formula. He is so dramatic about it. I have had to supplement a few of his bottles. He gags, chokes, spits it out, makes face, looks at you like you have lost your mind. You would think we were killing him.
  • We have tried cereal but it seems to give him a tummy ache but, he loves to eat it so, we are currently trying a few different things to see if we can help avoid said tummy ache.
  • Landon adores Odie! Odie loves Landon! He cannot get enough of this stupid dog. He laughs so hard when he sees him and he giggles anytime Odie licks him...which is most of the time. If Landon is on the floor Odie is right next to him. I think I see lifelong friends here.
  • Everything and I mean EVERYTHING goes in his mouth!
  • He is still in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
Sweet Baby Boy,
I cannot believe you have been here for 5 months already. You fill my heart with joy every single day! Oh how I love you!
- Mommy