Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Landon's First Birthday

After quite a bit of planning (you know because I can't do anything simple) I managed to put together L's party but, not without some help from mom. We had Landon's party on the Friday night after his birthday.

 Here is the picture that was on his invitation. Our theme was "We've got the first year licked"

I really wanted to do a candy bar for the party and you can see we had plenty of lollipops to go around!

Me with the birthday boy!

 Mommy and Daddy with the Birthday Boy!

Grammi and Poppa came to celebrate!

You can't really see to much in this pic but the soda's say "Landon's First Birthday!"

All those monthly photos put to use. This may or may not still be hanging...because I love to look at it!

I really, really, really (for whatever reason) wanted to make Landon's first cake. I had seen a cake on Pinterest that was similar and wanted to recreate it. I am not going to lie...I was really nervous that I was going to screw it up.

Another cake picture

Birthday Boy was not so excited about his wardrobe change

Blowing out the candle

Inside the cake

 Waiting patiently for some cake

Landon loved my cake, I am assuming everyone else did too because it was completely gone!
Good thing I hid a piece!

I had fun planning the party but I was glad when it was over. Next year we may party at Chucky Cheese!

 Happy 1st Birthday Landon Dean!!!