Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 Months!!!

My sweet baby boy is the double digits!!! WHAT!!! I cannot believe in just 2 short months he will be a year old. Time is literally moving faster than I ever though possible...and so is he!!!Everyday he becomes a little more independent.

  • Last month we accomplished crawling...this month, this man is attempting to walk! He will, with out a doubt, be fully mobile by his first birthday. He walks holding one of our hands or with his push toy.
  • He claps and will give a high five
  • He loves figuring out he can make a new noise. He clicks his tongue and blow raspberries just to hear the noise
  • There are still only two lonely bottom teeth. Which brings me to my next point.
  • One I am not so proud of...he attempts (and occasionally succeeds) to bite people...and unsuspecting dogs. Yup, I have the biter kid...I am also taking suggestions on how to break this naughty habit.
  • He attempts to copy what we are doing. He recently tried to whistle and snap his fingers. So darn cute!
  • Talking is not something he does alot of but he has recently been copying sounds that we make. So, I think once he gets this walking thing down his vocabulary will take off.
  • One of his favorite things to do is to ride in his wagon outside. I can already see that my summer will be filled with outdoor playtime.

I love watching him grow before my eyes, I only wish it would last a little longer. I can't believe he is almost officially a toddler. I guess time flies when you are having fun...and I am having the time of my life.

I think he might actually look a tiny bit like me in this picture!

I also added his 9 month picture finally!